Home » What are the pros and cons of a Shiba Inu?

In this article, we will take a look at the various advantages and disadvantages of owning one of these loyal and affectionate dogs. From their intelligence to their independent nature, we will explore all the reasons for and against getting a Shiba Inu as your furry friend.

What is the disadvantage of Shiba Inu?
What is the disadvantage of Shiba Inu?

Pros of a Shiba Inu

  1. Loyal and Affectionate: One of the main advantages of owning a Shiba Inu is its loyalty and affection towards its owners. These dogs form strong bonds with their family, and will show their appreciation through plenty of cuddles and love. They’re also extremely loyal to their pack, often becoming “babysitters” for younger family members.
  2. Easy to Train: Shiba Inus are relatively easy to train, despite their reputation of being independent thinkers. They respond well to positive reinforcement and are eager to please their owners. With patience and consistency, even those who have never trained a dog before will be able to teach basic commands.
  3. Adaptable: Shiba Inus are very adaptable to new environments, allowing them to fit into a variety of living situations. Whether they’re in a city apartment or out in the country, these dogs can handle the change with ease.
  4. Good with Children: Despite being independent thinkers, Shiba Inus can be excellent companions for children. They’re patient with youngsters and often enjoy playing games together, providing hours of entertainment.
  5. Great Watchdogs: Shiba Inus have strong protective instincts, making them excellent watchdogs. They’ll bark to alert their owners of any potential danger and can even stand up to intruders if necessary.
  6. Affectionate with Family: Although they may seem aloof at first, Shiba Inus are actually very affectionate with their family members. They’ll often seek out cuddles and attention, showing how much they appreciate being part of the pack.
  1. Low Grooming Requirements: Shiba Inus require very little grooming. Their coats only need to be brushed occasionally and they don’t shed much at all. This makes them ideal for those who are looking for a low-maintenance pet.
  2. Adaptable Eaters: Shiba Inus can be picky eaters, but they’re usually willing to try new foods. This makes them easy to feed and often much less expensive than other breeds.
  3. Long Lifespans: With proper care, a Shiba Inu can easily live for over 10 years. These long lifespans make these dogs the perfect companions for owners who are looking for a lifelong commitment.
  4. Loyal Companions: Above all, Shiba Inus are incredibly loyal companions. With their lively personalities and protective instincts, these dogs will always be by your side no matter what life throws at you.
What are the pros of having a Shiba Inu?
What are the pros of having a Shiba Inu?


  1. High Prey Drive: Shiba Inus have a strong prey drive which can make them difficult to control around smaller animals such as cats or rodents. Training and socialization is essential for teaching the pet to be more tolerant of other animals.
  2. Prone to Barking: While they don’t bark as much as other breeds, Shiba Inus do have a tendency to bark if left alone for too long or when faced with unfamiliar situations. This could be an issue in close quarters such as apartments or condos.
  3. Hard To Housebreak: Shiba Inus can be difficult to house train due to their independent nature and strong will. Owners should remain patient and consistent when teaching their pet to use the bathroom outside.
  4. Chewing Habit: Many Shiba Inus are notorious for being chewers, so owners need to make sure that all potentially hazardous items are kept out of reach.
  5. Independent: Shiba Inus are typically independent and can be stubborn when it comes to following find suitable, permanent homes for their pets. Owners should make sure that they’re prepared for the commitment before taking on a Shiba Inu as a pet.
  6. Low Tolerance for Heat: Shiba Inus don’t do well in hot climates or temperatures. They are prone to overheating and can suffer from serious health issues if they’re exposed to too much heat for too long. Owners should always keep their pet cool in the summer months and limit outdoor activities when it’s particularly warm outside.
  7. High Maintenance Grooming: Shiba Inus require regular brushing and grooming to maintain their coat. Tangled fur can be painful for the pet and requires extra care.
  8. Health Issues: Since Shiba Inus are a smaller breed, they can be prone to certain health issues. Owners should research breeds before committing and always consult with a trusted veterinarian about any potential health problems that their pet may have.
  9. High Energy Levels: Despite their small size, Shiba Inus require lots of exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy. Owners should make sure that their pet gets plenty of outdoor walks and playtime to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors.
  10. Expensive: Shiba Inus can be expensive to purchase and keep healthy. Vet bills, groomers fees, food costs, and other expenses can quickly add up over the years. Owners should budget for these costs before getting a Shiba Inu and always be prepared for unexpected expenses.
  11. Protective: While Shiba Inus are friendly to their owners, they can become aggressive when around strangers. Owners should train their pet early on to help them understand proper socialization and trust building techniques.
  12. Shedding: Despite regular grooming, Shiba Inus still shed heavily throughout the year. While this can’t be totally avoided, owners should prioritize cleaning up after their pet to prevent allergies or other issues.
  13. Independent Nature: As a breed, Shiba Inus are known for being independent and headstrong. Owners should be patient but firm when it comes to training their pet and be sure to use positive reinforcement rather than punishment.
  14. Possessiveness: Some Shiba Inus can become possessive of their owners or objects that they consider theirs. Owners should monitor their pet for possessive behavior and address it early on to prevent any issues from escalating.
  15. High Maintenance: Although Shiba Inus are an easy breed to groom, they do require regular grooming in order to keep their coats healthy and free of tangles or mats. Additionally, Shiba Inus need lots of attention and should be taken for regular walks or playtime in order to keep them happy and healthy.
  16. Exercise: Shiba Inus need regular physical activity in order to stay healthy, both mentally and physically. Owners should make sure that their pet gets enough exercise each day by taking them for plenty of walks or playing fetch with them at least once a day.

Conclusion | What are the pros and cons of a Shiba Inu?

Shiba Inus are a loyal and independent breed of dog with many unique traits, both good and bad. They have a loud bark, which can be disruptive in neighborhoods, and they shed heavily throughout the year. They can also be headstrong and possessive unless trained properly. Grooming needs to be done regularly due to their thick coats, and exercise is essential for a Shiba Inu in order to keep them healthy and happy. With patience and proper training, Shiba Inus can make wonderful companions for owners of all ages.

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